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Ethertone WT2100

Mode 1:
8-port Impairment Emulator
Mode 2:
8-port Standard Network Tester
Mode 3:
24-port Basic Network Tester
Mode 4:
8-port Redundant Link Tester
Mode 5:
4-port Standard Network Tester + 4-port Impairment Emulator
  • Overview
  • Functions
  • Parameters

Ethertone WT2100 is a multi-functional instrument that integrates Network Tester, Ethernet Impairment Emulator and Redundant Link Tester.

Product highlights

Multiple functions on one device

Flexible and easy-to-change function modes in one single device

1U portable chassis

Fanless and noiseless

Tests can keep running after disconnecting the client GUI

Impairment emulating and network tester can run in one device at the same time

1GE ports support user-defined Preamble and SFD

Ports with switch chip can be turned on/off physically by GUI


  • The Ethernet Impairment Emulator combines comprehensive network emulation to enable you to generate impairments in an accurate and repeatable way that occur in a real WAN including latency, misorder packets, loss of packets, duplicated packets, errored and modified packets, background traffic and bandwidth control.

  • Ethertone Network Tester provides 10/100/1000M port wire-speed traffic generation with up to 64 streams per port, supports two test modes of high performance and high port density, and supports RFC2544 testing. Ethertone Network Tester is available in a variety of network equipment test scenarios.

  • Redundant Link Tester provides automatic link on-off switching and accurate switching time measurement capability. It can realize automatic alternating switching of primary and backup links to easily verify the switching  performance of redundant links. 

Impairment Emulator


  • Provides 8-port 4-link bidirectional simulation function.

  • It has a wide range of impairment functions and can accurately emulate impairment at wire-speed stream.

  • Jitter latency can be realized by generating a latency for all packets or for specific packets according to specific conditions.

  • It can cause impairment such as discarding, duplication, reorder, and modification to all packets or specific packets according to specific conditions.

  • Packets with specific content can be inserted at a specific rate, and ultra-long frames, ultra-short frames, and FCS error frames can be constructed and inserted.

  • The available bandwidth can be limited according to the specific ratio to support bandwidth jitter.

  • BER Simulation can be generated at a specific ratio.

Network Tester


  • WT2100 has 24 10/100/1000M RJ45 ports.

  • Line rate traffic transmitting and receiving capability.

  • Industry-leading traffic scheduling accuracy.

  • Up to 64 independent streams on a single port.

  • Independent start/stop of each stream on the same port.

  • Support port-based or stream-based speed control.

  • Each stream has 6 VFDs, making it easy to simulate multiple end devices in a single stream.

  • Provide a variety of protocol templates and support customized frames.

  • Provide ultra-short frames and jumbo frames generation.

  • Support user-defined Preamble and SFD.

  • FCS error generation.

  • Test traffic can still be running without client GUI connected, and you can continue to run the tests and check the statistics after reconnecting the client.

  • A single client can manage up to 4 WT2100/WT2200 testers at the same time that provides higher port density testing capability.

  • Provide API for test automation.

Redundant Link Tester


  • Connected in the network system, the on/off of the Ethernet link can be controlled in real time via GUI to simulate the physical failure of the communication link.

  • For redundant network systems with primary and backup links, the switching time of the primary and backup links can be accurately measured.

  • It provides automatic alternating switching of primary and backup links, which can realize the automatic cyclic on-off test of multiple primary and backup links.

  • It can be connected to the network system for a long time, and the data is directly transmitted by default, which does not affect the normal operation of the original system.

  • It is widely used in test systems and debugging systems carried over Ethernet.

Product modelWT2100
Physical Interfaces10/100/1000M RJ45 x 24
Dimensions259mm x 183.6mm x 44mm
Power Consumption20W
Operating Temperature0 - 45℃
Operating Humidity≤95%, RH


Function ModeEthernet Impairment Emulator
Number of Links
  • One chassis supports a maximum of 4 links (can be set bidirectionally and independently)

Link Operation
  • Impairments can be set independently for each channel of the link and can be started and stopped pedseparately or concurrently.

  • Support to filter FCS error frames on the line.

LatencyFixed Latency

·Range of values: 0.01ms-120s

·Max. delay at full line rate: 40s at 100Mbps, 4s at 1000Mbps

Variable Latency

·Range of values: 0.01ms-120s

·Jitter period: 1ms-2500s

·Jitter model: Incremental / decremental / convergent / divergent / sinusoidal / dual channel / custom

Packet LossFixed RateRange of values: 0.001-100%
Variable Rate

·Range of values: 0.001-100%

·Jitter model: Incremental / decremental / convergent / divergent / sinusoidal / dual channel / custom

Cyclic LossRange: 1-131071
DuplicationFixed RateRange of values: 0.001-100%
Variable Rate

·Range of values: 0.001-100%

·Jitter model: Incremental / decremental / convergent / divergent / sinusoidal / dual channel / custom

MisorderRange of Values0.001-100%
Range of Delay0.01ms-120s

Background Traffic

Range of Line Rate0.001-100%
Settable Frame Content

·Protocols: Ethernet, IP, UDP

·Frame length type: Fixed, Random

·Frame length range:19-16383 Bytes

·Payload type: Fixed, Random

·Frame error creation: Support to generate FCS error frames

ModificationRange of Values0.001-100%

Template Based Modifications

EthernetII, IP, UDP, TCP, VLAN (Support QinQ), MPLS

Customized Modifications

·Specify the location and content of the byte to be modified

·Modify up ot 12 independent bytes with per packet. Each byte can be modified by bits.

Bandwidth Control

Fixed BandwidthRange: 0.001-100%
Variable Bandwidth

·Range of variation: 0.001-100%

·Period of variation: 1ms-2500s

BER GenerationRange of BER10-2-10-14
Packet Filter

Impairment With Packet Filters

Latency, Packet Loss, Duplication, Misorder, Modification
Matching methods

·Template: src/dst MAC, frame type, src/dst IP, UDP src/dst port number, TCP src/dst port number, VLAN ID, VLAN priority (QinQ supported), MPLS label, MPLS TC

·User-defined: Specify the location and content of the byte to be matched

·Range matching: Packet Loss can match specified bytes in a range of values


Channel-based Impairment Statistics

Number of error bits, packet number of latency, loss, duplication, misorder, background traffic, modification

Channel-based Traffic Statistics

·Number of rx packets, number of tx packets, rx rate (fps, bps, %), tx rate (fps, bps,%), number of received FCS error packets

·Channel-based graphical statistics of packet rate

Multiple Chassis OperationA single client can operate four chassis simultaneously.
Multiple Clients OperationMultiple users can use the same chassis simultaneously.
  • GUI client

  • API for test automation

Function Mode8-port Standard Network Tester24-port Basic Network Tester
Port Type8 x 10/100/1000M RJ4524 x 10/100/1000M RJ45

Load on Port

Up to 64 streams per portUp to 24 streams per port

Load on Stream

Up to 64 streams per portUp to 24 streams per port

Protocol Type of Frames

EthernetII, IP, APR, UDP, TCP, VLAN, QinQ, CustomEthernetII, IP, APR, UDP, VLAN, QinQ, Custom

Variable Field Data (VFD)

Each stream has 6 VFDs and supports the modification of Source/Destination MAC, Source/Destination IP, and VLAN ID.


Port Based Statistics

·Transmitted packets, received packets, transmitted frames per second (fps), received frames per second (fps), transmitted bits persecond (bps), received bits per second (bps), received FCS error packets

·Received filtered packets, received filtered packets rate (fps)

·Transmitted packets, received packets, transmitted frames per second (fps), received frames per second (fps), transmitted bits persecond (bps), received bits per second (bps), received FCS error packets

Stream Based Statistics

·Transmitted packets, received packets, transmitted frames per second (fps), received frames per second (fps), transmitted bits persecond (bps), received bits per second (bps), received FCS error packets, Min Latency, Average Latency, Max Latency, Payload Checksum Error Packets

·Real-time packet loss, real-time packet loss rate, disordered packets, Min jitter, Avg jitter, Max jitter

·Transmitted packets, received packets, transmitted frames per second (fps), received frames per second (fps), transmitted bits persecond (bps), received bits per second (bps), received FCS error packets, Min Latency, Average Latency, Max Latency, Payload Checksum Error Packets

Payload Checksum

Support stream-based payload checksum error statistics
Filtered statisticsSupport port-based packet filtering statistics-

Control of Streams

Each stream can be started and stopped independently
Transmit Controlcontinuous, burst (one or multiple), time

Frame Length Type

fixed, random, increase

Frame Length Range

46-16383 Bytes
Payload Typefixed, random, increasefixed, random

Error Packet Generation

Stream-based FCS error packet generation

FCS Error Statistics

Port-based FCS error packet statistics

Address Learning

Automatic generation of Layer 2 and Layer 3 address learning packets according to traffic settings
Port Switches

·Port 1-8 have individual switch chip for each port

·Automatic cyclic switch of ports according to settings and generate port status change logs

User-defined Preamble & SFD

Support user-defined Preamble and SFD
Offline Running

Test traffic can still be running without client GUI connected, configurations and statistics will be kept intact after reconnection

Multiple Chassis OperationA single client can operate four chassis simultaneously.
Multiple Clients OperationMultiple users can use the same chassis simultaneously.
Test SuiteRFC2544
  • GUI client

  • API for test automation

Function ModeRedundant Link Tester
Link resources

A single chassis supports two sets (4 links) of primary/backup links, and a single client supports up to 4 equipment operating at the same time

Functional mode
  • Changing time measurement of primary and backup link

  • Redundant links cycle on and off

Accuracy of link switching time measurement20ns
Set conditions to determine whether the link is connected or notAny message / non-broadcast message / custom condition
On-off switching mode
  • Manually perform single-link switchover

  • Single-link automatic cyclic switchover

  • The primary and backup links are switched alternately in cycles

Email: sales@wenrise.com

Tel: +86-10-59713380

Addr: 607, Building No.2, Dihui International Center, 

           Shangdi 10th Road, Haidian District, Beijing

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